KML to NMEA Converter


Click this button to select the kml file you’ve saved.

Click this button to save as a *.nmea file and close the KML to NMEA Converter.

The information bar on the right provides status information .

Start Time (hh:mm:ss)

This is the start time stamp written into converted NMEA GGA file.

Max Velocity (km/h)

This is the maximum velocity of the moving receiver in a straight line segment.

Min velocity (km/h)

This is the minimum velocity to simulate the vehicle turning in the real world, as velocity will be decreased from maximum value to the min value before it enters a turning.

Acceleration (km/h/s)

This is the acceleration of the moving receiver from its min velocity to max velocity.

Smooth Turn Mask (degree)

This is the Smooth Turn Mask (degree) to simulate the vehicle turning in the real world, as sharp turning angle between two line segments that is larger than the mask will be smoothed to an arc.


The following Closedimage illustrates the velocity change at turning and the effect of smooth turning. Velocity will be decreased to minimum value right before it enters the turning and increased to maximum value after it exits the turning, with the specified acceleration. On a straight line, it will keep max velocity after it reaches. The blue line is the original path created in Google Earth and the red line is the NMEA trajectory after turning smooth. With the smooth function, the trajectory can better reflect the vehicle turning case in real world.

Turn Radius (m)

Indicating the radius of the smoothed turning.

Sampling Rate (Hz)

Indicating the sampling rate of the converted NMEA GGA file.